Toolbox Talks Feature

Uploading & Sharing

Upload PDF files or photos to your toolbox meeting portal during your meeting. Share them with your meeting attendees.

The documents become available on your Trainer’s Portal. If shared, your toolbox meeting attendees are able to view the documents on their Attendee’s Portals. The documents become part of your meeting records in PDF.

Normally, when you set up a toolbox talk topic on Zurel, you can attach meeting documents such as PDF files or even videos to be reviewed during your toolbox meetings. This works well for most safety toolbox meetings because you likely have a standard set of training material for each topic that you can attach when the topic is set up on Zurel.

However, occasionally, you may come across a need to upload a document during your safety meetings. It may be the site-specific safety orientation document that is required by your client and needs to be shared with the meeting attendees. Or it is a photo you took of a safety hazard and also want to share. Perhaps you ended up having to use a paper sign-in sheet that you want to attach. Or it may just be a group photo of the meeting attendees that you want to include as a record of their attendance.

Whatever they are, with Zurel Safety Toolbox, you can upload photos or PDF files to your meeting portal even after you have already started your toolbox meeting. Once uploaded, you can share them or keep them unshared. The shared documents become available to meeting attendees on their personal toolbox meeting portals. All uploaded documents become part of the meeting record.

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